Quicks Team Shooter -Robert Caldeira Hankey Junior

Robert Caldeira-Hankey


Club: Cody Bowmen
County: Hampshire
Age: 28
Years shooting: 25
Job: Software Salesman

Equipment specification being used for 2024

Bow make and model: Hoyt Helix riser, Hoyt X-Tour limbs - 54-58lbs on the fingers depending on arrows selected
Indoor Arrows: 4mm Easton FMJ 330 spine
Nocks and Vanes on indoor arrows: Bohning Air vanes, Beiter Asymmetric pin Nocks
Outdoor Arrows: Black Eagle X-Impact 350 spine
Nocks and Vanes on outdoor arrows: Bohning Air vanes, Beiter Asymmetric pin Nocks
Sight: Shibuya Ultima RC pro single mount
Stabilisers: Longrod - Custom GMS 31" with 11oz + damper, Twins - Custom GMS 10" with 5 oz + damper left and 6oz + damper right, 4" ramrods extender, AGF vbar
Arrow Rest or Launcher: Spigarelli Z/T Spigua
Pressure Button for recurve: Wifler MP One Pro
Finger Tab or Release Aid: Shibuya Chung-Tae-Kim tab
Bowstring material: X99 with BCY Halo serving


How did you get into archery?
My father taught me to shoot when I was 3 and I never put my bow down

What are your archery performance highlights?
2023 GMB award, 2023 Finished 17th in the national rankings, WA70 PB - 656 Shot at the National County Team Tournament 2023

What are your goals for 2024 and beyond?
I'm looking to break into the top 10 in the national rankings next year. Long term I'd like to shoot for Great Britain internationally.

Manufacturer sponsors

Who has been most influential in helping you get to your current level?
I've had 3 people coach me over the years to get me to where I am: My Father, Ray Crich, and recently, Partick Huston. My father took me from a beginner to low MB, Ray took me from MB to GMB, and Patrick has started formally coaching me recently after giving me many tips over the years. Without any of those 3, I wouldn't be half the archer I am today.

Who is your most admired archer?
I like Kim Woojin's style, he looks like he's miming the perfect shot and just happens to have a bow in his hands.

What advice can you give to up and coming new archers?
Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Most people are happy to help in archery but they won't know that you're stuck if you don't speak up. If you're not sure what you're doing wrong, have someone better than you look over your form. It's a lot faster than going at it alone.