Newsletter Shibuya Ultima II Bowsight 30 March 2017

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Shibuya Ultima-II RC Sights Delivery

Shibuya Sights are on top of the World in popularity and performance.

All their sights are outstanding , and the new Ultima II RC is the latest model

Shibuya Ultima II

YV60 Shibuya Ultima II Carbon Recurve Sight £259.20

Shibuya Other Recurve Models

YV20 Shibuya Dual Click
YV20 Shibuya Dual Click
Recurve Sight £139.20

YV50 Shibuya Ultima Recurve Sight
YV50 Shibuya Ultima Standard
Recurve Sight £184.80

YV40 Shibuya Ultima Carbon Recurve Sight
YV40 Shibuya Ultima Carbon
Recurve Sight £234.00

YV10 Shibuya Glow Pin Red & Green
8/32 thread £21.95

Shibuya Compound Models

YV43 Shibuys Ultima Compound Sight
YV43 Shibuya Ultima Compound CPX
Carbon Sight 365 6 inch £276.00

YV50 Shibuya Ultima Recurve Sight
YV54 Shibuya Ultima Compound CPX
Aluminium Std Sight 520 9 inch £234.00

YV8 Shibuya Scope
YV8 Shibuya complete scope
YV80 Body + YV81 Feather Vision Verde Lens
(excludes fibre optic)
Scope £177.60

yv8 Shibuya Scope Plus
YV8 Shibuya complete scope
YV80 Body + YV83 Feather Vision Verde PLUS Lens
(excludes fibre optic)
Scope £208.80

Shibuya Accessories

Top Shooting Button and Arrow Rests have been a favourite for a number of seasons, and remain a great choice

YL30 Shibuya Arrow Rest

YL30 Shibuya Ultima Recurve
Arrow Rest (Ambidextrous) £33.50

YA39 Shibuya Button

YA39 Shibuya DX Button £24.95

Bundle Offer Shibuya

YL30+YA39 Shibuya Bundle Offer :
YL30 Ultima Rest (reduced price £30.00)
YA39 Button match(reduced price £22.50)
Bundle Price £52.50

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